Important news

As you probably know, this year’s Glastonbury Festival has been cancelled. It’s a perfectly understandable decision given the situation, but it does leave Children’s World in a very difficult position. Having just recovered financially from the last fallow year (2018), we had set up a special Fund Raising Committee to concentrate on raising money to cover the next fallow year – which we were assuming would be 2022 at the earliest. Now that this year’s Festival is no more – it leaves a very large whole in our finances with no chance to make up the loss! At the time of writing, we’re not sure what will happen to Children’s World – we will be meeting our Trustees in the next few days to assess the situation. Since announcing on our social media sites, we have been overwhelmed by the kind words of support from our friends! One friend in particular has written to her MP about the plight of charities like us and whether there could be any state support. We think this is a great idea and would encourage others to do the same! Below is a copy of the letter should you wish to use it. Thank you all for your support and we hope to see you all again soon! In the meantime – stay safe!

Template letter/email to MP

Dear ………………….
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis I note we are being told to expect continuing updates about supportive measures to protect the economy and the livelihoods of individuals and businesses. I look forward to hearing more about this.
The issue I’m writing to ask about here is specifically charities, especially smaller ones. Many, if not most, charities rely on fundraising through face to face events, which is clearly not possible at the moment. Events are so good for fundraising as they invite people to give more, while enjoying an activity together. While charities may be able to run online fundraising and even online events, it is going to be next to impossible for many charities to survive this way unless help is given at the state level. I believe the state has a duty to protect everyone, including initiatives set up to do good through asking people to give. However, charities are also going to suffer enormously as individuals necessarily cut back in their expenses.
In particular, please remember the smaller charities who do so much important work. For example, Children’s World in Glastonbury, which raises most of its running costs from food and drink provision backstage and for the public at the now cancelled Glastonbury Festival. Children’s World supports inclusion for all children through drama, performance, film-making and fun – you can read about their work here: . They have only just made it through a fallow year recently and scraped the cash needed together through events they ran all through the year. They will not be able to do that this time. Countless charities will be in this position, and the important work they do – much of which provides necessary help and support that the state does not provide – could be lost.
Please tell me what you will be doing to address this issue, and if you have not looked into it, please do so with some urgency. I hope to hear that the government is working with the Charities Commission, at the very least.
Please act on this.
Yours sincerely,
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